Top 10 Gun Rack Plans

Gun rack plansIf you are an active woodworker and love shooting as a sport, you can benefit from making these gun and rifle racks. Here is a list of some of the free gun rack plans available online:

1. Woodworking Corner’s Gun Rack Plan: This gun rack is made of plywood. Using the plan, a woodworker can easily create this gun rack to be hung on the wall. This rack accommodates four guns in all. You can find it here.

2. Bill Pounds’ Rifle Case Plan: This rack is built in the form of a suitcase that can be shut. When opened, it can be laid on the floor and stood with room for eight rifles. It is made from scraps of Alder. The top and bottom panels of the case are made of 1/4″ Baltic Birch plywood. In order to protect the firearms, the barrel sockets are lined with leather strips and finally, it is finished in Hunter Green stain. When closed, the rack measures 23/4″ x 10″ x 29″ and is fairly lightweight. It is of a size that you can put away in your trunk when making a trip to the gun range. Check it out over here.

3. Wayne of the Woods’ Gun Rack Plan: If you’re a keen woodworker, you can build this gun rack by using just a few tools in your workshop. To make it, use either hardwood or composite but not pine wood as it might break when you cut the side panels. This is a wall-mounted rack that can accommodate four guns. You can see it here. 

4. Freestanding Vertical Rack Plan: Here’s a semi-portable gun rack with swivel casters. It holds guns vertically in a tight-fitting space and can easily come through standard doorways of homes. Its frame is made in 1″ x 3″ yellow pine. For its base, 3/4″ plywood is taken and its caster wheels have a diameter of 2″. This rack is available in gun sizes of 18 and 24 with 3.5″ and 3″ spacing. It can be stained in dark walnut. Here it is for you! 

5. New Extra Tall Oak Wall Rack for 3 Guns: At Bull Shooter Sighting In, you can see this wonderful gun rack plan meant for three guns. It is made of solid oak and is stained with Minwax special walnut and then lacquered. It is 28″ tall, 22.75″ wide and 4.25″ deep. Its barrel rests are covered with felt and it has a bottom shelf to keep gun-related things. It also has a 16″ center mounting holes with buttons. Here it is. 

6. One Gun Wall Rack With Rail: This gun wall rack is made of solid oak wood and stained with special walnut and later lacquered. It measures 12.25” in height x 22.75” in width x 4” in depth. Its rests are covered in felt. It has two deep screw holes to hang with button covers and a shelf with decorative rail is a good place for ammunition and photos. Check it over here.

7. Home Defense Vertical Gun Rack: This gun rack can be mounted on a wall. It is easy to install with two screws that hold each piece and buttons cover the screws. The top piece measures 5.5″ in width, 6″ in depth and 4.5″ in height. The base measures 7.75″ in width, 5.5″ in depth and 4.5″ in height. It is made of poly and available unfinished or in oak finish. You can find this gun rack design over here.

8. Single Rifle Display Stand: If you are looking for a pair of rifle stands that are ideal for displaying one rifle at a gun show or on a shelf at home, you can check these plans here.

9. Handgun Rack Wall Mounts: These wall mounts are in addition to the hand gun racks also available that come with a back panel to hook on to the wall and room to house the barrels. The price of these wall mounts include drilling of holes and necessary hardware, though mounting hardware must be bought separately. Here’s the link for you.

10. Deep Vertical Wall Rack Plan: This gun rack has a deep butt tray measuring 5.5″. The base of the firearms does not face the wall. Check it out.

These are a selection of gun rack plans as available on the Net. For a more detailed search, check further online.

Author: John Clax

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